
10 Tips for Successful Zoho One Implementation

Jul 29, 2020

Covid19 across the world has been a devastating agent of drastic change, impacting the social, cultural, and economical aspects. We are stepping into the concept of “New Normal” as the pandemic continues to transform our work patterns. The major change that the pandemic brought about is the remote functioning of the entire business process.

According to a survey report, 74% of organizations plan to continue remote work with some employees post covid19. As with the global economic crisis, remote work setup also seems to be cost-effective and has its bundle of advantages with the employees. 

 But, what about the business management processes?

To effectively manage a business with multiple employees and customers all around the world you need the right business applications that will boost your working process without being hampered by the ongoing pandemic. For that Zoho One is the right fit!

What is Zoho One?

Zoho One is a Suite of Applications for Zoho that includes 40+ awesome tools that help you streamline your business processes and scale your business. The suite of apps includes tools for almost all business processes, such as Marketing, Sales, Support, Collaboration and Coordination. It is quite literally the operating system for your business. 

Let’s see what all applications Zoho One offers for which business processes!

Zoho One application Infographic

Zoho One Implementation Tips

At this time of global crisis, Zoho One is the ideal suite that you can opt for your business. Not just for today but also for the upcoming uncertain future. With these applications at your disposal, your business will not be interrupted by any unexpected occurrences. 

But, when implementing Zoho One, most businesses face challenges in some of the areas. In today’s blog we are going to offer 10 awesome tips that will help you streamline your Zoho One implementation. Let’s dive in!

1. Segregating and Documenting the Business Processes

It is important to understand your business requirements.This understanding will help you to segregate and document the work process, leading to better implementations of Zoho One applications. I’ll give you an example:

For Sales, Zoho One has around 5 applications. From them, there are two CRM system based applications, which are Zoho CRM and Bigin. Zoho CRM is ideal for medium to large size businesses that take care of multi-layered full-fledged sales processes. On the other hand, Bigin is for one-man to small-sized businesses that will help in the pipeline management process. Now, if you choose to operate both these applications, it will make things messy. So, you have to understand your business type and choose to operate one CRM system to meet your requirements.

Hence, understand your business needs, then document and categorize your business process.

2. Prioritizing each Process One-by-One According to the Business Needs

After you have segmented your business process, now prioritize each process. To get the targeted profitable output from your business, you need to choose and prioritize the tools. So, understand the initial work process that is required at the specified time frame, and arrange them based on the sequence of requirements.

According to a source, the 50% failure rate of the CRM implementations, reported by the Gartner Group, is mainly due to the lack of focus when implementing the CRM applications. Hence, prioritizing the process will give you the right focus when picking the right applications. This will also save time and give you the best output. Moreover, it will make these applications easy to handle, giving you a better place to deal with the work.

This step-by-step implementation process based on prioritization will also give your employees the chance to have an in-depth understanding.

3. Identifying the Right Tool for the Right Process

The Zoho One package has an exhaustive list of applications that can be overwhelming initially. But, once you start to know these applications and their specific use you will be in a better position. So, after prioritizing your business processes, recognize the proper implementation apps from Zoho One. 

For instance, in a business you get an enormous amount of data flow from various sources, generating leads. These leads have a mixture of both qualifying and random clients. Now, you have two types of clients; the first is the qualified sales leads who meet the required eligibility; the second is the unqualified inquiries that do not meet with all the points of being eligible buyers. So, you have to categorize the two types of client-base into two different sections for a successful sales closure. Hence, your chosen tools can store these information by making a systematic division, tidying up the entire sales and also the post-sales process.

For this division, you have to optimize and use the applications that are specific to the immediate function. Therefore, identify the right tools for the right business application process.

So, get yourself a thorough understanding of the Zoho One list of apps.

4. Create System Architecture

Before starting to use the Zoho One resources thoroughly, it is crucial to create proper system architecture. When I say system architecture I mean, creation of proper dynamics through which the workflow can be analyzed, tracked, and charted down for future credibility.

You might have tons of scattered data gathered from numerous avenues, like from other CRM systems, forms, emails, etc. You first need to filter out the relevant information from them and organize accordingly.

Hence, check out all the touch-points; gather the data and its locations; make proper flow-charts and continue the screening process. After you have successfully gained the relevant information you can now organize your data in the applications.

Having a well-defined system architecture will enable you to track data and have the right understanding of the workflow.

5. Involving Team Members in the Implementation Process

Involve your team of employees in the Zoho One application implementation process. Since they will be handling the workflow it is necessary for them to understand the new mechanism. Also, once your team starts to adopt the applications and its implementations, the work process will flow better. 

Especially, today we can see ourselves so dependent on the online web-based tools for collaboration and communication process. so, even if it takes time for your employees to fully absorb the functions of the tools, you should expose them to it. This will be advantageous for your team and your business.

Also, identify a few team members who will have a complete understanding and can help others to understand the applications.

6. Setting Sufficient Time to Give Proper Training to the Team

Working and adapting oneself with newly introduced tools is not an overnight magic and requires a good investment of time. So, give them sufficient time needed to adopt the newly incorporated technologies.

To help them understand the applications better, organize proper user training sessions. Allow them to thoroughly explore the applications.In many cases an uncooked idea about the applications might result in wrong data entry, which has been estimated to be a common mistake. This is the major reason behind 40% of the CRM and other system implementation failures.

You can allocate a certain time from the set working hours when they can fiddle with the applications. Maybe, half an hour of every working day will be a good start! Also, even you need to get accustomed to the varied applications that Zoho One offers. Hence, board the journey together…

Once your team incorporates and fully accommodates themselves with these technologies, you will see a speedy and stable work process. This will boost their performance by acting like an incentive that will keep on encouraging them to work for perfection.

7. Contact the Experts for Best Guidance

Handling the exhaustive list of apps presented by Zoho One can be tiring. Also, it is not always possible to fully know the details of the applications. For that, you need an expert, who has a thorough understanding of the Zoho ecosystem. Choosing the right expert can help you to avoid 50% of the implementation failures.

You can have an internal expert who will be able to help you out with the application process. You can also rope in external help. The experts will have the acumen to advise you with the right implementation practices. Moreover, their extensive knowledge about the Zoho platform and the applications can open you up with many unexpected dimensions.

You simply convey the requirements and expectations you have out of these applications and the experts can guide you.

8. Cleanup the Old Irrelevant Data

Before shifting to Zoho One from your previously used applications, it is a good practice to clean your old unwanted data. If you bring all your old data to the applications then this will make your work muddled-up, which will require time to organize.

So, start with deleting all the unwanted data and organizing them. So, when you get all this information in Zoho One applications then it will already be systematically present. This in-term will make other processes easier. An organized data will help to understand the applications more, replacing the initial anxiety into a curiosity to explore more. 

9. Do Not Aim to Implement All the Available Applications

If you aim to implement all the applications of Zoho One for your business then this is not a good idea. It will make the entire work process confusing, time-consuming, and difficult to handle.

Every business aims to progress through different steps of the work-flow, eventually leading to profitable outcomes. Here, Zoho One exists only to provide you with the appropriate ecosystem for your business to excel. Hence, the focus should always be on the business and not on the implementation of every single application that Zoho One offers.

If you feel the urge to use all the applications then don’t worry! Be patient.

Zoho One is for all business types from small to big enterprises. They have applications to meet the requirements of all the business needs. So, once your business starts to expand, you will eventually be using most of the applications.

10. Be Ready to Face and Overcome the Pain of Implementing New Changes

When switching and adopting a new application platform, it can be exciting and painful at the same time. When you change a system, you not only restructure the external processes but also have to rewire the internal habits. Hence, wherever there is growth, there will be a pain; the pain of leaving the old habits, and again relearning new ones.

But adjusting to the time-bounded change is the essence of inviting a bigger opportunity to grow. Hence with time, the pain is also temporary. So, prepare yourself with the glitches that you and your team will experience in the initial stage.

Utilize the transition time patiently, so that you can implement the applications effectively. Always remember it is a heavy application suite, accumulated for your business to efficiently run the various work processes collectively.

So, bear with the pain and prepare yourself and your team members to acclimatize with the entire system. Take the required time needed. Also, initially, the system might sometimes require time to get adjusted to the new set-up. But, to achieve the best, you have to be tolerant.

Start with a mindset that is ready to endure every hardship to have the best mechanism for the business!


Your business comes with many associated factors. The factors can include strategies to propagate the services/products and the right tools to execute your strategies. But this is not simple! It requires a structured process. This process incorporates marketing about your business, generating sales.

It does not stop here! 

You have post-sales processes that are extremely vital to keep this cycle alive. Again, along with the external aspect, you have to take care of the internal functions in your company. Like, setting up meetings and other collaborative activities with your employees, and taking care of them. 

This is where Zoho One takes over. It provides you one platform, where you can use all the relevant applications to run the entire business. So, collaborate with your team through Zoho One for efficient functioning of the work process and fulfill your entrepreneurial vision. 

If you want to understand more, Click Here to talk to our Expert Consultants Now!



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