
Streamline Your Unique Business Process With A Custom App Built On Zoho Creator

Jul 27, 2022

Every business is unique in its own way. It doesn’t matter if you’re a small, mid-sized, or a giant firm, what matters the most is that you aim to reach new heights every day. And that’s inspiring! While your dreams might be alike, that is to make your brainchild successful, your business procedures aren’t necessarily the same. For growing your firm systematically and consistently, you can advance your business with a custom application. Yes, indeed it is good news. Built on the award-winning Zoho Creator platform, you can have your application custom-made to cater to your unique individual requirements.

What is Zoho Creator? 

It is a low-code application development platform that helps you build customized apps based on your business needs. Its easy yet intuitive drag-and-drop interface empowers you to build web and mobile applications that satisfy all unique requirements with ease. Why will you wait for one, when you can build your own application, right? This is innovation– at its best!

When do you need the Zoho Creator platform? 

Suppose you’re a plucking entrepreneur who has an absolutely ‘out-of-the-box’ business idea. You have your research work right at your fingertips, and your business plan is ready. What you need right now is the proper execution of your business idea and the process thereafter. Now with Zoho Creator, you can have an application built that is solely designed to meet your exact business needs. Imagine how cool that will be! 

Again, in scenario two, suppose you’re already a pro player in your field. You have acclimatized your business system with tons of applications. Let’s say, you have Zoho CRM for sales, Campaigns, or Social for marketing purposes, or you’re using Google or Microsoft applications. Whatever you need, you can have it all. However, you might have one particular action area where none of these applications can fit in appropriately. Well, thanks to Zoho Creator, you can customize an app that bridges this gap and espouses all-in-all growth. 

Why do we need custom applications for modern-day business?

It’s only a matter of time before all businesses realize the necessity of an application that is exceptionally customized to suit individual needs. Needless to say that not every business will fall under conventional vertical industries which follow certain patterns of the sales process. People are looking for a change, something new and that is what plucking entrepreneurs are trying to do. 

First, you must figure out the necessary measures to manage your business. It includes your business-oriented needs. Organizational efficiency, efficient team collaboration, and centralized databases– to name a few. And indeed, off-the-shelf software often fails to meet all these needs in one shot. According to CDW Newsroom, 48% of executives surveyed report the increment in their app development budgets, while the other 42% plan to invest in the same for the near future. Here is a precise list of the best advantages of using custom applications. 

  1. Built on the world-renowned Zoho Creator platform, custom applications are cloud-based software– accessible from anywhere and with any device. 
  2. It requires zero infrastructure investment– all you need is a browser. 
  3. These applications are scalable solutions that offer flexibility and adaptability to translate and suit your current unique business needs. 
  4. You can avail of intuitive workflow automation that eliminates redundant tasks. 
  5. Built for modern business models, it empowers your team to collaborate and work remotely yet efficiently and effectively. 
  6. It comes with user-management features to ensure restrictions on data accessibility. 

But how to create Custom Cloud Applications for your business? 

Here’s a comprehensive flowchart that can help you understand how to make one all-in-one solution– 

zoho creator

Now let us walk you through each of the steps! 

Step 1: Analyze And Assess Requirements

To expand the growth of a particular business, one must understand what the business wants (is still striving for) and what it needs (to fill in the lack). It is the beginning of building a robust application that supports the existing business process and harnesses it for future growth. So first, to start with the due diligence process, you must delineate how your overall business process works. It might be time-consuming, but it can extensively help you comprehend your requirements and the reasons to wing them into your business process. 

The second step is to identify the pain points, meaning– the areas where your business is lacking in some way or the other. Of course, you aspire to be bigger and better in the long run however, you need to take smaller steps at a time. It helps you detect the suitable workflow automation which can help you do away with redundant manual tasks. So that you can identify a useful integration to make your system run smoothly. 

zoho creator

Step 2: Solution Architecture 

The thing is, in this fast-growing tech-driven world, most enterprises are evolving themselves with the digital transition. They are looking at cloud-first strategies to adopt cutting-edge customized applications that their target consumers can benefit from. Custom apps are focused on effective user experience, agility, and mobility. Therefore, mapping a solution architecture according to a particular business’s requirements becomes extremely crucial.

For instance, you might face trouble when it comes to capturing leads, their trajectories, or say, tracking a customer’s sales cycle journey. Or you might feel challenged while tracking your inventory, sales or purchase orders, and so on. There are an nth number of possible challenges that one can face. Certainly, off-the-shelf general software applications can never do it all by themselves. You at least need 2-3 tools functioning together, but that seems pretty exhausting and inconvenient. However, with custom apps, you can have it all under a single platform. So before you build one, you might want to design a tentative solution diagram. It advances you to visualize every nook and corner of the application and jot down the possible loopholes. 

Here is an exemplary solution diagram-

zoho creator

Step 3: Input Your Thoughts To The System

Custom applications that are built on the Zoho Creator platform are all-in-one solutions and leave no scope for further investment. However, there is always room left for improvement. Since it is about your business, nobody knows it better than you. So after creating a supposed customized design, you can chalk out the bottlenecks which can challenge your application. In case you’re hiring an expert team, you can revert your feedback about system alterations. Accordingly, you can surface the system with insights and launch your business solution. 

Step 4: Technical Specification 

We hope you’re already done with your solution architecture incorporating all the insights you can think of. Congratulations, you are one step ahead. Now it is time to move on to the next one, which is the technical specification. To fill in the gaps in your system, you might want to integrate other applications. The Creator app easily integrates itself with all the other Zoho applications and is also versatile in supporting third-party integrations.  Since the Creator platform is cloud-based, every application comes with a native app for iOS and Android. It allows you to access real-time data from anywhere, with any device. In case you’re thinking about scalability, you should know that the applications built here are meant to auto-scale. Once your business starts scaling, the back-end infrastructure seamlessly adapts with it. 

For people, who are hiring a professional team for building applications, the latter can also estimate a tentative time length and suggest to you which integrations to subscribe to. 

Step 5: Project Implementation 

Of course, it’s an exciting thing to know that a solution is custom-created specifically for your business. Though the implementation process is more of a time-taking jargon, one thing is for sure, you will cook up the best possible solution for your business. 

Keeping consistent vigil and communication to help clients throughout the entire process is crucial. Through weekly emails, calls, and meetings, the hired team efficiently can jot down your further requirements, and keep you posted about the progress. You can document further details like industry policies, escalation process, team hierarchy, user profiles, and so forth. These details are important to create the necessary workflow automation and integrations to make the solution fit for your business operations. In case of any challenges or disputes, you can quickly redress the issue and move on.

zoho creator

Step 6: Testing And Project Delivery 

Once the custom application is ready and implemented for your system, it is time for you to drive robust testing of the solution. Of course, no solution can be pulled off in one shot. So during the testing period, you can identify and fix the loopholes and bugs (that might be present) before putting them into action. You can also opt for comprehensive tutorials for your teammates to better understand how the application works. Another advantage of this user-training feature is to identify any use-case challenge that might come up. Plus, it also helps you understand the system adaptation level of users. 

Banking on the results of the user training and previous feedback, you can enhance the system further for the best possible results. 

zoho creator

Step 7: Customer Support 

Last but not least, when the project is finally completed, you can go Live with the robust custom cloud application. You can possibly leverage your hired professionals’ expertise to modify any further area of action or make necessary changes as per requirements. So that they can actively resolve any kind of issue that you might face while using the system. So no more impediments on the way!

Hear it from our amazing customers! 

zoho creator

To wrap things up, 

Figuratively speaking, custom cloud applications seem to be the talk of the business town. Each one varies from another. These are unique, individual, and specifically tailored for fitting your business operations. So why not advance your brainchild with the best in the market? We have helped 700+ businesses so far, and now it’s time that we take your business to the next level. 

Here’s an amazing video that can make you understand the process even better. 

So grab this opportunity, schedule your 90-mins no obligation today, and get started already!

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