
How to Use CRM for Focused Marketing Efforts (Infographic)

May 25, 2017

When it comes to marketing, strategies and channels (it seems) are literally endless! Once you decide whether to focus on inbound or outbound marketing, there still remain several factors to zero in on.

Should you focus on social media marketing? Would video content give your marketing efforts some extra edge? Are the traditional marketing channels, TV commercial, Newspaper ads etc dead? What kind of merit PPC has?

Well, these questions are JUST SO MANY!

But, let me ask you one question: what is the single most important goal for all your marketing efforts?

I’m quite confident the answer would be SALES!

No matter what industry you are working in, no matter what your profit model is; if you are in business, your aspiration is to sell your products, or your services, or your ideas to the maximum number of customers you can handle efficiently!

And towards this goal, you deploy your marketing efforts!

From drafting strategies, targeting audiences, deciding the channels till finally broadcasting the message; your entire marketing endeavor MUST be aligned to the core goal: TO SELL MORE, TO SELL OFTEN.

But, how to do you create marketing strategies that work?

How do you ensure maximum ROI for your marketing expenditure?

How to you bridge the (ever so famous) gap between marketing and sales?

Now before we jump into these vital questions, let us look at some crucial data unveiled by Hubspot Inbound Marketing Report this year.

# 63% businesses consider generating traffic and lead as their primary marketing challenge, while 40% of companies (the second largest group) responded that proving the ROI for marketing activities is their primary challenge.

# Only 20% of total respondents consider their Sales and Marketing efforts are tightly aligned.

# 38% of sales reps find prospecting is the most challenging part in the entire sales process.

# Sales reps source 38% of leads, 33% are generated by referrals, while marketing accounts for the rest 25% of total leads.

In light of these data, let us specify the action points for Sales Focused Marketing efforts here:

  • Understand what is working for your business and concentrate your marketing efforts in the area.
  • Create seamless co-ordination between marketing and sales, to address the challenges prospecting.
  • Build and maintain amazing customer relation for a steady inflow of referrals and repeat sales.

The big question here is, how to take action on this action points?

How can you achieve all these goals and create an effective marketing strategy that sells?

The answer is simple!


Yes, you read it right.

Your CRM is the ultimate Super Hero that can bridge the gap between Sales and Marketing, help you ensure maximum marketing ROI, create effective prospecting strategies while effectively sky-rocketing the number of referral sales as well as repeat sales!


Let’s dig in!

Still don’t have a CRM system in place? Well, it’s time to give your business a serious growth spurt. Get in touch with our CRM Experts now and get a completely customized industry-specific CRM solution for your business!

Dig into the CRM Database to Create Focused Marketing Strategy

With a customized cloud CRM, tracking a lead source is just a click away!

Spending as little as 30 minutes time in your CRM can reveal which of your PPC campaigns are not performing as expected and which of the landing pages are sourcing maximum leads. Not only that, you can also get a clear idea about what type of marketing activities generate maximum leads during which time of the year.

This invaluable insight helps in streamlining your marketing efforts; so that you can devout your resources where it’s going to pay!

Identifying lead sources in CRM is fundamental for calculating the ROI of any marketing activity. However, the data is equally powerful (if not more) in planning your upcoming marketing moves.

By effectively analyzing CRM lead sources, you can conduct targeted marketing activities that generate maximum traffic and lead and thus, give better ROI.

Tighten Sales-Marketing Tie with CRM to Address Prospecting Challenges

Prospecting is the grey area where Sales and Marketing generally converges (and not always in the most desirable way).

Successful prospecting requires first and foremost qualifying the lead. With a CRM where you can keep records of the lead’s requirements and can see all the communication with that particular lead in one place, understanding a qualifying the lead becomes easy for the marketing people.

When the lead finally reaches your sales reps, they can gather all the required details from the CRM only!

By ensuring proper use of CRM across the organization, you not only bridge the gap between Sales and Marketing, but also address the most challenging area i.e. prospecting in your sales process.

Build and Create Amazing Customer Relations to Boost Repeat Purchase and Referrals

As per the data stated above, leads generated by sales reps and referrals make up more than 50% of total leads for most businesses.

Thus, re-marketing and marketing to existing customers are lucrative ways of boosting sales.

And, CRM having essential functionality of customer relation management, is THE go-to tool for this purpose.

The system stores every relevant detail about your existing leads and customers; thus, offers extreme insight about customer behavior, preferences, and pain points.

Ask any marketing pro and she’ll tell you there is NOTHING more valuable than this data for orchestrating a successful marketing campaign.

Directing your marketing efforts towards existing customers (based on CRM intelligence) offers way better chances of conversion, not to mention saves tons of money that you would have to spend otherwise for acquiring new leads.

Last Words

The primary function of CRM is to better-manage your sales funnel, true!

But when used properly across the organization, CRM does have the power to give your marketing activities the much needed edge over your competitors.

Read How CRM can Help Your SEO Efforts too!

Here’s an infographic to sum it up:


CRM for marketing


Get in touch with our CRM Experts now to leverage the full potential of your CRM!

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