
How Your Website’s Design Can Improve Your Search Rank

Apr 24, 2020

Do you know that your website’s design plays a crucial role for your company’s online marketing? Around 66% of people prefer to see something which is beautifully designed compared to something ordinary and plain. A website always has a great influence on the visitor’s perception about you. A poorly designed website casts a disastrous shadow!

Let see how website design can help you rank high on the search engine!

A good website design sets your first impression

“First impression is the last impression”, we have come across this saying so many times. But do we believe in it truly? Of course, we do! Let me give you an example here.

When you talk with a newly qualified prospect for the first time, you always try to make a great impression on your prospect about your company.

But did you pay attention to your company’s online presence? Have you ever wondered what is the reaction of a visitor when he/she comes across a poorly designed website page?

The purpose of having a good website for your company is to attract more and more attention and visitors. When more people find you, your search rank improves automatically.

Here, the question remains how to achieve such a goal? Well, it’s not that difficult to achieve! Your website not only should have beautifully designed pages but also, it must contain the following:

  • Reflection of your brand
  • Interaction and engagement with the viewers
  • Effective presentation of your content

Reflection of your brand

Your website is the online identity of your company. It promotes your brand name. An unappealing or an outdated website would have a negative impression on your audience and can deter them from your web page. You would never want to lose your leads because of your unappealing website, to a competitor’s web page.

Your audience’s perception of your business depends on the website design. Whether your audiences will stay on your page and learn more about your business or exit your page and visit a competitor’s web page, depends on the impression that you make on your audiences.

A good website design hooks your leads to your page!

Website Design for improved search


Interaction and engagement with the viewers

A website’s design plays a significant role in engaging your audience and increase interactivity in your website. You can introduce “a call to action” button in your website. A well-designed button would grab your viewer’s attention and lead them to an action- like signing up or scheduling an appointment.

You can add a chatbot in your webpage as well which can answer on your behalf about your products and services to your audience.

Website Design for improved search


Effective presentation of your content

Do you know the secret of a great website? Let me spill out the secret for you. A great website can be designed with the audience in mind and hours of thinking to ensure easy navigation through the website.

A great way of presenting your content can be done through simplifying the content and conveying the unique story of your products/services without boring your audience with wall of texts and unnecessary details!

Additionally, you can use descriptive names for images in your content. For example, web-design.jpg rather than using DSC0002.jpg. Small details make huge differences in search ranks!

A good website design includes URL structure which is SEO friendly

URLs are major parts of website design. Keeping URL structure relevant and neat can help you in improving your search rank. In place of using generic terminologies like page1 or page2 etc, you can use names which would easily convey your website’s contents.

For example, a URL like can be easily crawled and indexed by Google or other search engines to show relevant results for travel agency CRM.

Also, a clean and relevant URL is easier to remember and share for your audience.

A good website design has properly placed social sharing

Websites which have a good number of shares in various social media, also rank high on the search engines. But invasive share button might annoy your audience. Hence, sharing buttons can be put in close to your best contents. Additionally, try to put up contents that are timely, full of information and which would encourage actions by your audience. Also, it should be made easy for your audience to share your content on their social networking sites.

social sharing buttons on webpage



To sum up, your website should be designed keeping in mind the products/ services you offer and your target audience. Your website should tell your unique story and make your audience’s life easier. Because more the visitors, the better are your chances of ranking high on the search engines.

So, are you ready to rank high on the search engines? It is time to give your company’s website its due respect that it rightly deserves. Contact our website design specialists today to build your perfect website.


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