
Manage Your Contacts Like A Pro With Law Firm CRM

Apr 22, 2022

The technological growth in the recent years has been burgeoning, agreed? Every day we see a new advancement, and a new application is built for our use. So we understand when lawyers find it tricky to go for the right choice. Now, before you select an application you need to figure out its purpose and how can it benefit your business. Our Law Firm CRM solution is an all-rounder software application that helps you in managing your vast contact base and strengthening your relationships with our clients for the bigger picture. 

What is contact management and why is it so important for business development? 

Exchanging business cards, maintaining diaries or even a spreadsheet have called their quits today. Despite their extreme work pressure, lawyers can never overlook their administrative tasks. It is the base of their business flourishment, after all. Instead of that, modern-day lawyers have shifted their focus to cloud-based software for managing their contacts. 

Good news for you, this blog is all about how meticulously you can use Law Firm CRM for systematically managing your contacts.

Gather Your Data Under One Roof 

The key focus that our Law Firm CRM lays on is building strong relationships with your contacts. But to get started with the system, you’re first landed on your home page. Of course, every aspect of your business, but some selective ones require your attention. The home page includes all the crucial metrics of your business under one unified space. You can always customize this page placing dashboards that you prefer the most. For example, the number of leads that got converted into contacts, the number of matters you have in hand currently, etc– you access any information here. Most importantly, all these data windows and automatically updated with real-time data analytics so that you always stay updated about your firm. 

Law Firm CRM

Capture Your Leads/ Prospective Contacts 

Figuratively speaking, if you have no leads, there are no contacts and hence no further business. The very first step before managing innumerable contacts is generating maximum leads and capturing them. As a lawyer, you might want to try out different channels of lead generation. Such as website landing pages, social media platforms, referrals, newspaper advertisements, inbound calls, and so forth. While the lead generation number entirely depends on how your channels perform, Law Firm CRM handles the lead capturing part. For instance, when someone inquires about a particular area of legal service via a website, they can show their interest by submitting their details in a pre-embedded contact form. This makes way for further communication, how? The moment they submit their forms, CRM captures their information seamlessly and places them in separate new lead entries. 

In case you come across your leads via referrals, inbound calls, or any other source, you can easily fill out lead records with the acquired information. Our CRM even gives you a number of source options that you can insert for a particular lead. Though it is not mandatory, we recommend this so that you can maintain a trajectory and appropriately ascertain which of your sources are performing according to your expectations.

Law Firm CRM

 Nurture Your Leads For Conversion 

Every prospect needs initial nurturing for lucrative results. This nurturing process becomes even more important for attorneys. As your leads seek legal assistance, naturally they need some assurance from the beginning of communication. Once Law Firm CRM captures a lead, it readily sends out an automated email for acknowledging their patience. It even notifies about the lead to your respective teammates so that they can take it forward. Other than this, you can build a strategic communication flow by scheduling meetings, calls, or different follow-up tasks as well. You can easily take this off your work plate by mentioning your team members so that they get instant notifications. This way you can monitor and manage your daily workflow without even mentoring your teammates individually. 

Law Firm CRM

Convert Your Leads Into Contacts

After your leads’ merit evaluation, you can move ahead for their further conversion into a contact, company (for B2B opportunities), and matter. Our Law Firm CRM instantly creates separate records under these aforementioned perspectives. So if you get into a matter record, you will find all the matter-related details. Similarly, in the contact record, you can see all the contact-oriented information. Each record is typically segmented into business card details, detailed information sections, and related lists. What’s more, the timeline page of this contact record displays your customer’s journey. This clear-cut vision helps you and your team members proceed with upcoming actions and never repeat the same task.

Law Firm CRM

Keep Your Documents Organized And Handy  

As an attorney, you must have mounds of paperwork and not just for one matter. There are too many matters that require your attention. Remember, Law Firm CRM holds every information in a streamlined manner. So when you get inside a contact record and if you scroll down a little, you can see all your documents in the attachments section. Since it is the digital era, it is always better to safe-keep your documents in their softcopy versions under one section. This way you can easily retrieve your documents for future reference. 

Law Firm CRM

Track Progress In The Sales Pipeline 

We understand that for a lawyer, it is almost definitely impossible to monitor each client’s progress through the sales pipeline. You need to practice law and win more matters for your clients, that’s your target after all. Law Firm CRM keeps a diligent eye on your contacts. It comes with a ready-made sales pipeline that covers all the action points that you might require. Your goal is to manage all your contacts and provide them with the best service that they could possibly find. That’s why our solution auto-updates the sales pipeline immediately after its previous stage completion. 

Law Firm CRM

Manage Your Post-Sales 

Did you know that according to Harvard Business Review, acquiring a new customer costs three times more than retaining an existing one? Therefore, managing post-sales becomes crucial for strengthening your relationships with your existing contacts. As Law Firm CRM profiles and documents each of your contacts along with their niche preferences, you can send out email or social media campaigns too. This helps you interact with your contacts even after you win matters on their behalf. Not only this, but you can also check their behavioral responses and adjust your campaign frequency accordingly. Plus, our solution even records the social profile links of your contacts so that you don’t have to browse for them for later interaction. 

If you’re worried about what to post for your internet community or what email header to use to subtly attract your contacts, use DocHipo. It comes with a humungous range of customizable templates so that you never have to start from scratch! 

Law Firm CRM

Manage Your Attorneys 

Not only your customers, but your attorneys also fall into the ‘contact’ category. Our Law Firm CRM solution takes care of them too. It keeps all the information on your attorney serially in organized records. When you get inside a particular record, you can see their business card details, address information, price range per case, area of legal practice, and the number of matters they have handled previously. 

Law Firm CRM

Gain Deeper Insights 

Our effective Law Firm CRM solution comes along with comprehensive reports and dashboards. These dynamic modules help you scrutinize all the aspects of your business from an aerial view. They clearly demonstrate full visibility of your contacts’ journey. Moreover, these modules always fill you in with real-time data analytics and insights that you can put to constructive use for business development. This is how a typical report looks like-

And this is an exemplary dashboard- 

Law Firm CRM

In a nutshell,

Have long-term plans for your legal service business? Of course, you do. And if you’re going all in, why not try the best solution in the market? Law Firm CRM is the all-in-one solution that you need today. Its easy-to-use flexible features can immensely help you in managing relationships with your contacts. 

Watch this video to visualize the process even better.

So what are you waiting for? Click on this link for information. Let’s get going! 

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