Oct 19, 2024

Difference Between Roles and Profiles in Zoho CRM

Imagine a bustling office filled with salespeople, customer service representatives, and other team members all working together to build relationships and drive sales. Each team member plays a unique role, whether it's reaching out to new prospects, nurturing existing clients, or handling various operational tasks. In this scenario, having the right access to data and...

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Sep 28, 2024

How to Set up Fiscal Year in Zoho CRM

Effective tracking of performances and managing finances are essential for the long-term success of any business. While we are familiar with the calendar year, we also know that businesses always...

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Sep 13, 2024

How to Set up Currencies in Zoho CRM

In today’s global marketplace, businesses are no longer confined by borders. Whether you’re selling products or offering services, dealing with multiple currencies has become a necessity. If you are a...

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